‘Information Design’ also known as “Information Architecture” (IA) and many other names, but we already knew from Gottlob Frege that a symbol can denote many senses…
The first book on Information Design that I read was this book, published in 2000:
Information Design
edited by Robert Jacobson.
I saw it at the MIT bookstore, and couldn’t resist…
One of the first online journals about usability is Boxes and Arrows, and I had the opportunity to attend a presentation and meet its founder Christina Wodtke…I think she was one of the founders of Information Architecture Institute… the presentation consisted largely of a film featuring interviews with various ‘information architects’…
the opportunity was partly the result of the recent IA Summit which just happened to take place in Montreal… one of the interesting applications
discussed at the summit was Flickr Photo Sharing…
Christina published a book on IA in 2002
Information Architecture: Blueprints for the Web
Information design and information architecture is interesting to me, although it is a little bit like ‘informatics’, the meaning of this seems to be continually redefined with subtle nuances. the following list of disciplines are closely related:
- information_design
- information_architecture
- information_science
- information_systems
- library_science
- computer_science
- informatics
- human-computer_interaction_(HCI)
- knowledge_management
- interface_design
I suppose the inter-disciplinary nature of information makes it difficult to label…
I just run across this article, and thought it was an interesting parallel between architecture and information architecture… i always thought that these have a lot in common…
We Are All Connected: The Path from Architecture to Information Architecture, by Fu-Tien Chiou
For architectures of large scale websites there is
Information Architecture for the World Wide Web: Designing Large-Scale Web Sites
wirtten by Louis Rosenfeld, Peter Morville. This 2nd edition was published in 2002.
Peter Morville published a new book on IA in 2005:
Ambient Findability
You can read an interview with Peter Morville in Boxes and Arrows by Liz Danzico
Designing Interfaces: Patterns for Effective Interaction Design
by Jenifer Tidwell, the book site (http://designinginterfaces.com/) offers a good summary of the contents. Jenifer Tidwell first presented a UI pattern language.
[Edited from Photomedia Forum post by T.Neugebauer from April 18, 2005 – November 18, 2006]