Heliography is basically photography with natural light.
“ The term “heliography” was first coined by its inventor, Joseph Nicéphore Niépce, to identify the process by which he obtained the first permanent photographic images. With its classical derivation from the Greek — helios meaning sun, and graphein denoting writing or drawing — the term encompassed both the source and the process in describing this first successfully permanent means of letting light record itself. source: HRC – Heliography |
is the practice of depositing a design in a greasy substance on a chemically treated stone or plate; the ink is applied such that it stays only on the grease.
“ Long before the first public announcements of photographic processes in 1839, Joseph Nicéphore Niépce, a scientifically-minded gentleman living on his country estate near Chalon-sur-Saône, France, began experimenting with photography. Fascinated with the craze for the newly-invented art of lithography which swept over France in 1813, he began his initial experiments by 1816. source: HRC – Frist Photograph |
Louis-Jacques-Mandé Daguerre, inventor of a famous photographic process created some beautiful drawings before his invention. The Bibliothèque nationale de France has the following drawings credited to Daguerre:
Entrée de la galerie qui conduit à la chapelle du Château de Tournoël. 1er étage, 1829
Grande cour du Château de Tournoëll
Abside de l’église de Volvic
Intérieur de l’église de Brou
There seems to be some uncertainty as to Daguerre’s authorship, has anyone encountered these pieces before? What techniques and materials were used to create them?
[Photomedia Forum post by T.Neugebauer from Dec 30, 2005 ]