IIIF Open Source Developments

IIIF (International Image Interoperability Framework)  is a community of research libraries and image repositories working on interoperable technology and community framework for image delivery with the goals of uniform and rich access to image-based resources, common APIs for image repositories that enable great user experience while viewing, comparing, manipulating and annotating images and provide uniform rich access to image resources hosted online.

The framework for IIIF development has been its Image API (http://iiif.io/api/image/2.1/#table-of-contents) that allows for the retrieval of pixels through a REST web service and Presentation API (http://iiif.io/api/presentation) that drives viewing interfaces.   In addition, there is a Search API (http://iiif.io/api/search/1.0) and Authentication API (http://iiif.io/api/auth/1.0/).  The APIs use JSON-LD (https://json-ld.org/) throughout.

IIIF Image Servers:

IIIF Image API Viewers:

IIIF Presentation API Viewers :

The full list of viewers is available here: https://github.com/IIIF/awesome-iiif

Demonstration IIIF sites: http://iiif.io/apps-demos/