Photography – Journals, Magazines – Web Directory

I have discontinued my “Web Directory”, but I will include in my blog, the listing of links from some of the more popular sections of that directory.

I think this list was one of the most visited from the directory, a listing of photography journals and magazines:

afterimage The Journal of Media Arts and Cultural Criticism
APERTURE – Publisher of Fine Photography
Apogee Photo Magazine – ‘free online magazine designed to inform and entertain photographers of all ages and level’, includes an archive of articles and tutorials.
BlindSpot – ‘the Premier Photography-Based Fine Art Journal’
British Journal of Photography
Communication Arts – commercial photography and design magazine.
Digital Photo Pro
e-photozine – online digital imaging and photography magazine, digital camera techniques, product reviews
exposure – society for photographic education journal
History of Photography – from Routledge.
International Journal of the Image
National Geographic Photography
Nature Photographer Magazine
Nature Photographers Online Magazine
pdnonline – photo district news
Philosophy of Photography – an international peer-reviewed journal
Photo Review
Photographies – from Routledge.
Polka Magazine – La Revue du Photojournalisme
Portfolio – Contemporary Photography in Britain
Silvershotz – The International Journal of Contemporary Photography
Visual Culture in Britain – from Routledge
Visual Studies – from Routledge